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Ezzeldin, Mohamed1; El-Dakhakhni, Wael2 and Wiebe, Lydell3

1 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L7, Canada,
2 Martini Mascarin and George Chair in Masonry Design, Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L7, Canada,
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L7, Canada,

The development of nonlinear models, which describe the inelastic behavior of the individual components of a building at different performance levels (e.g. life safety and collapse prevention), is an essential step to perform the nonlinear static analyses recommended in North American codes and standards (e.g. ASCE/SEI 41). However, current methodologies for generating nonlinear models of reinforced masonry (RM) buildings do not adequately account for various system-level aspects, such as the out-of-plane rigidity of the floor slab. Many studies have shown that these aspects would significantly change the overall building response under seismic loading. In addition, although North American codes and standards define demand parameters of RM shear walls with rectangular cross sections through a standardized backbone relationship between forces and deformations, no corresponding values are given for RM shear walls with boundary elements. To address these issues, this study proposes an approach for generation of backbone models of RM shear wall buildings without and with boundary elements. The experimentally validated modeling approach shows the importance of including the out-ofplane stiffness of the floor diaphragms when estimating the overall building performance. Finally, the experimental and numerical responses are compared in terms of the most relevant characteristics, including the initial stiffness, peak load, and stiffness and strength degradation, in an effort to present a useful system-level response prediction tool for the nonlinear static procedure.


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