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Larralde[1] and A. El-Zeiny[2]

  1. Professor, Department of Civil & Geomatics Engineering & Construction, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740-8030
  2. Faculty, Department of Civil & Geomatics Engineering & Construction, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740-8030


This paper presents the results of tests of un-reinforced brick walls retrofitted and repaired with expansive epoxy. The walls were subjected to horizontal, in-plane shear force and their response was monitored under a wide range of cyclic loading. A new type of epoxy formulation was tested to determine its potential for structural retrofitting and strengthening of existing brick masonry buildings. Full-size, un-reinforced brick walls of 10 ft by 10 ft were fabricated using aged brick and masonry mortar to simulate the conditions existing in old brick buildings. One wall was loaded directly as plain, unreinforced brick wall and was used as control. Another wall, identical to the first one was first injected with the expansive epoxy, allowed to cure for seven days and then tested under identical support and loading conditions. After the first ( plain ) wall was loaded beyond its full cracked state, it was then repaired with the expansive epoxy and re-tested. The results of the tests demonstrate the strengthening and repairing effects of the expansive epoxy. The hysterisis behavior of the plain and repaired walls show a similar degradation pattern although some increase in ductility is noted in the repaired walls. Also the epoxy brought the cracked walls to an almost monolith condition even in the areas that were initially cracked.

Key words: Expansive, Epoxy, Un-Reinforced, Brick Walls, Retrofit, In-Plane.



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