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Jianyu Cheng, A. Andreas Koutras, and P. Benson Shing

Jianyu Cheng, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.
A. Andreas Koutras, Postdoctoral Rresearcher, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. akoutras@
P. Benson Shing, Professor, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. pshing@

Shake-table tests were performed to investigate the displacement capacity of shear-dominated reinforced masonry wall systems and the influence of wall flanges and planar walls perpendicular
to the direction of shaking (out-of-plane walls) on the seismic performance of a wall system. Two full-scale, single-story, fully grouted, reinforced masonry wall specimens were tested to the verge of collapse. Each specimen had two T-walls as the seismic force-resisting elements and a stiff roof diaphragm. The second specimen had six additional out-of-plane walls. The two specimens
reached maximum roof drift ratios of 17% and 13%, without collapsing. The high displacement capacities can be largely attributed to the presence of wall flanges and, for the second specimen, the out-of-plane walls, which provided an alternative load path to carry the gravity load when the webs of the T-walls had been severely damaged. The maximum lateral resistance developed in the
first specimen was close to predicted shear strength given by the formula in TMS 402/602. However, the maximum lateral resistance developed in the second specimen was 18% higher than
predicted, which can be attributed to the additional axial compression exerted on the T-walls by the out-of-plane walls when the former rocked.

KEYWORDS: reinforced masonry, shear failure, displacement capacity, collapse resistance, shake table


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